eDocuments FAQs

What are electronic documents? Expand/Collapse

An electronic document is simply information presented in a manner that requires a computer or other electronic device to display, interpret and process it.

What is an electronic signature? Expand/Collapse

An electronic signature, or eSignature, is an electronic means that shows a person accepts the contents of an electronic document or agreement.

How is Kootenay Savings providing the ability to electronically sign documents? Expand/Collapse

We have partnered with DocuSign™ to provide electronic signatures as a convenient option for our members.  DocuSign™ is the global standard for Digital Transaction Management with more than 40 million users in 188 countries around the world.

What types of documents can I sign electronically? Expand/Collapse

Currently, the option to use eSignatures is available on new mortgages, loans and lines of credit, as well as renewing mortgages and new advances.  Additionally, documents for making amendments or alterations to any existing mortgages or loans, and life and disability insurance purchased for your loans can also be signed using electronic signatures.  Eventually, we will introduce other types of documents such as term deposits agreements and RRSP / TFSA contributions.

How secure is the electronic signing process? Expand/Collapse

We are committed to keeping your eSignature experience safe, secure and private.  We use state of the art technology and follow numerous security procedures to help protect your information from unauthorized access.

Our electronic signature service provider, DocuSign, provides the highest level of security assurance as the only eSignature company to be both ISO 27001 certified and SSAE 16 examined and tested.  DocuSign delivers industry leading data confidentially with application level AES 256 bit encryption.

What is involved in the eSignature process? Expand/Collapse

The entire process is quick and simple. If you are signing your documents in person, your Kootenay Savings representative will walk you through it.  If you are signing remotely, for example from your home or office:

  • You will receive an email inviting you to sign your documents electronically.  You will click on the link provided within this email message.
  • At your initial visit with us or when you began the loan process, you would have been asked to provide us with a password.  When you click on the link with in the email, you will be asked for this password.  This is to verify your identity in the eSignature process.
  • The next step will require you to review our eSignature disclosure and terms and conditions.
  • If you accept the terms and conditions, your documents will be presented for your review and signature.
  • The areas that will require your signature will be easily identified, and you will apply your "signature" simply by clicking on these areas.
  • Finally, you will receive an email with a link to your completed documents.  You can now access these documents by logging into your Kootenay Savings online banking account and clicking on "View eDocuments".

Where do you store my documents? How can I see them? Expand/Collapse

Your documents are stored securely within our online banking program.  Simply login as you usually do to access your accounts.  On the left hand side under “My Accounts” you will see “View e-Documents”. Clicking here will bring you to a link where you can access your documents.

How long does the electronic signature process take? Expand/Collapse

The entire signing process takes about five minutes to complete.

What system requirements do I need for my computer? Expand/Collapse

A personal email account and internet access is all you need.   You may use a personal computer, laptop or mobile device for iOS or Android. JavaScript must be enabled. To determine if your system needs JavaScript, please click here.

Legally, is there a difference between an electronic signature and a physical hand-written signature? Are electronic signatures legally viable under Canadian Law? Expand/Collapse

There is no legal difference between the two and your eSignature is applicable under Canadian Law.  This is supported by Bill 13 – 2001 Electronic Transactions Act, Uniform Electronic Commerce Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (2000, c. 5), and Secure Electronic Signature Regulations (SOR/2005-30) (Enabling Statute: Canada Evidence Act (R.S., 1985, c. C-5).

My electronic signature does not match my handwritten signature. Will this be a problem? Expand/Collapse

No, this isn’t a problem.  The legal definition of a signature refers to the “intention to be legally bound”.  This means that the binding part of the agreement is your intention to enter into an agreement with Kootenay Savings, not the signature itself.